quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2023

International Mindset

Let's learn English! COURSE/2023

I can tell if someone with international experience has acquired an international mindset by his ability at keeping his own prejudices out of his communication.

The Right Mindset Shows no Prejudices

To do this you need to be able to pick up cultural prejudices. It is not easy. How can you determine if something is a personal or cultural prejudice?
Most people will claim loud and long that they do not have any prejudices. But we all do. Awareness and experience teaches you to identify prejudices.
To master an international mindset in all situations you must first be able to recognize your own prejudices and sometimes even put them aside. Seasoned international professionals know when to put their own prejudices to the side to ease real communication across different cultures.

Incomplete International Experience.

The people who have some international experience, but who are not able to do this, think they have reached international nirvana. They are usually opinionated and voice their opinions loudly, not realizing that they are clearly identifying themselves as newbie’s in cross-cultural communication.
So what should you do, if you want to identify someone with the right international mindset to help you develop your international business?

The Right Mind-Set is natural.

Look for the international professionals who blend into different situations and cultures effortlessly. As their international mind-set has become part of their identity, they will often be quieter about their own skills.
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International Mindset

Let's learn English! COURSE/2023 I can tell if someone with international experience has acquired an international mindset by...